
Krunal Panchal

September 26, 2022 654 Views
8 mins read Last Updated September 26, 2022
Nodejs vs Reactjs

Quick Summary : This article discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Node.js and React. Node.js is a JavaScript backend framework, whereas React is a front end framework. Node.js is more versatile than React.

Although both Nodejs vs Reactjs are JavaScript technologies, they are very distinct. The fundamental distinction between  Nodejs vs Reactjs is that Node.js is a backend framework, whereas React is a front-end framework. Nonetheless, they both have benefits and drawbacks and specific applications.

The essential features of nodejs vs reactjs, advantages, disadvantages, etc., are discussed here. After reading this article, you’ll have a good idea of which technology is best for your project.

Let’s get this party started.

Overview of Node.js

In simple terms, Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform server-side programming toolkit that allows clients to construct web apps. We can use Node to run JavaScript apps as well as network applications. JavaScript is used for engraving the fundamental modules.

It’s used for real-time server applications. Node.js allows JavaScript to run on a workstation or on a server. Furthermore, will enable you to use a variety of systems. Express.js is an example of such a structure. It is more valuable and well-known than the various Node.js structures.

Who uses Node.js, and why do they do so?

Node.js has a wide range of clients, including large companies like Netflix, Uber, and Trello, which all use it in their backends. Each of these businesses has its motivation for using this framework. Netflix, the world’s most popular online entertainment streaming service, must undergo A/B testing before serving its 93 million active consumers. Because of Node.js’s lightweight nature, they could serve the material quickly. By switching to Node.js, they were able to lower their startup time by more than 70% and increase their scalability.

Node.js has several features


Node is versatile because the server responds in a non-blocking manner.

Zero Buffering

The measurements are returned in massive chunks by the applications and provide developers with the benefit of ‘No buffering.

An open-source community 

This is why Node.js applications have accumulated so many wonderful modules over time.

Occasion-based APIs 

This means that the server will not wait for information from an API to arrive. Instead, it will switch to a different API.

Node.js’s Benefits

Simple to learn

Node is very easy to use and learn for developers. Learning Node.js is easier than learning React.

Increased Efficiency:

Node.js uses Google’s V8 JavaScript engine to parse. The key benefit of this method is that it incorporates JavaScript code into machine code.


When it comes to programming, Node.js gives you a lot of options. With Node, there are fewer restrictions.

Great Tool Support

Another benefit of Node.js is that it has a larger developer community.


Node.js is well-known for its extensibility. You can use JSON to specify the level of information exchange between the web server and the client.


Scaling apps in both horizontal and vertical dimensions are very simple. The applications can be scaled even by adding new hubs to the current structure.

Node.js’s Limitations

Less stable interface:

Working with Node’s Application Programming Interface (API) can be difficult. It fluctuates a lot and is inconsistent.

Less support

JavaScript doesn’t have a well-developed library system. This makes it complicated for developers to use Node.js for even basic programming tasks.

Unsynchrnous approach

Many developers find it more difficult than linear blocking I/O programming. In asynchronous programming, the codes get clumsier, and developers must rely on nested calls.

Overview of React.js

React.js is a JavaScript library that is open-source. This frontend framework allows you to create well-organized user interfaces for websites and apps. The incredible performance of React is well-known.

Who is React.js being used by?

Facebook has made it possible for businesses of all kinds to service their front and deliver an enriching User Interface. Content-driven websites like the New York Times to social media apps like Twitter. A dynamic framework is required for a website like Facebook, fully reliant on human input. As a result, any active elements you see on Facebook were built entirely utilizing the React.js framework. Instagram, a Facebook company, is yet another successful React.js application.

React.js has several features.

Simple support: 

This module reuses framework elements while resolving any concerns with React refreshes.


React uses the Virtual DOM (document object model), which increases the efficiency of the application.

Stable codes

React.js ensures the soundness and execution of your code by using descending information streams.


React.js provides developers with high-speed design tools, resulting in improved performance.

App development

You may create rich user interfaces for native iOS and Android app development by following similar plan concepts.

Benefits of React.js

Improved Efficiency:

All app functionalities can be kept in their own virtual DOM with React. All modifications made in the DOM are updated.

Friendly to Search Engine Optimization:

You can create web applications with React.js. The virtual DOM can be given by using React on the server side.

Construction using Components:

You can create portions based on your needs & which enables you to design components and incorporate them into your main content. React.js is a fast-updating framework that ships with a smooth user experience.

React.js has some limitations

Learning is difficult:

The framework is sophisticated, and its integration into a user interface necessitates extensive understanding.

Documentation is lacking:

React technologies are updated, and they progress further. As a result, some people remark that the documentation is difficult to use.

Need More work

The React.js framework covers only the UI layers of the app. As a result, developers will still need to leverage other technologies to complete their toolkits.

Comparison Of Nodejs vs Reactjs

Learning curve 

The React.js learning curve is shorter than other programming languages since developers don’t have to spend as much time relearning the language. Because of its clean design, use of JSX (an HTML-like syntax), and extensive documentation,


On the other hand, It’s simple to understand node.js learning but requires more effort to develop web apps. The asynchronous programming that performs the non-blocking code is what makes it challenging.


Microservices architecture is a new way of thinking about scalable backends. According to the description, it’s a strategy for developing a single-page app as a suite of discrete services.

Micro frontends in React

Micro frontends can communicate with each other thanks to React, which reduces direct coupling. React is also an excellent option for making the process of transferring callbacks and data downwards easier.

Node.js Microservices

Microservices are tech stacks that enable enterprises to achieve agility, security, and improved performance. Using Node and microservices, you can create simple apps to use.

Community Support


It is supported by a large community. Its most pleasing feature is its frequent updates, which allow developers to work more without damaging the program.


Its users are involved in upgrading and repairing the languages. When communicating within the community, a huge community means that many developers have access to the greatest tips and tricks.

The size and performance 

React can handle frequent UI modifications. It works like this: there is a copy of Virtual DOM for every DOM in React. But there’s a catch: while Virtual DOM has the same properties as a traditional DOM, it cannot alter the UI.


It continues to have a favorable impact on many users, according to the Node.js 2018 user survey, due to greater productivity and satisfaction, decreased development expenses, and improved app performance.

Cost of Developing Nodejs vs Reactjs Application in 2022

You can now estimate the total cost of the app after carefully considering the requirements of a developer and many elements that affect the development cost. The typical annual compensation of a dedicated Nodejs vs Reactjs app developer with extensive experience in custom web development might range from $60,000 to $200,000.

Cost of Developing Nodejs vs Reactjs Application


The range can be considerably higher for more experienced developers. If you want to construct an app on an hourly basis, multiply the entire duration of development by the hourly rate. An excellent mobile app developer costs between $25 and $50 per hour on average. Suppose your web application takes 500 to 800 hours to construct. In that case, the overall cost of React.js & Node.js application development could be anything from $12,500 to $40,000. Additionally, consider the factor of maintenance and support, which can mount up quickly.

Suppose your apps have a lot of features and functions. In that case, the total development cost will rise as the total development time increases. The application’s complexity will also play a significant effect. Hire cost-effective web development services capable of delivering the required web apps with all the necessary features and functionalities. It should also provide proper upkeep and support in any troubles or concerns.

Blog App Cost Caluclators

Conclusion On to Select From Nodejs vs Reactjs for Mobile App Development

It’s like comparing apples & oranges when it comes to Nodejs vs Reactjs. One is a frontend library, whereas the other is a core library.

Here are some crucial points to remember:

  • Scalability, speed, and improved performance are all advantages of Node. As a result, it is better suited to various jobs.
  • It’s easier to make lightweight online and mobile apps with React. When React runs on the server, the virtual DOM is rendered, and the page is returned to the browser as a regular web page.
  • Both Node and React have a vibrant and massive community.

Are there any explanations for the differences between Nodejs vs Reactjs that you might provide? If so, please tell Groovy Web about them in the comments area. We help you with custom web app development.


Written by: Krunal Panchal

Krunal Panchal is the CEO & Co-founder of Groovy Web. Krunal has been a hardcore programmer since he was 11 and started his professional career very young. His technical and logical mind drove him to choose coding as his destiny. At an initial stage, he got essential experience and the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. Learning something new is a never-ending process for him. Under his leadership, Groovy Web has become an established organization that serves industries from startups to enterprises, regardless of any limitations.

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope these clear your doubts, but if you still have any questions, then feel free to write us on

Yes, it is necessary to install Node.js with React.js for advanced features, JSX transpilation, package management, setting up a development server, and handling build processes efficiently.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Node.js is a fast and efficient JavaScript runtime. There are other programming languages and runtimes, like Go (Golang) and Rust, which are also known for their speed and performance. However, the overall speed of a platform depends on various factors, including the specific use case and implementation. Always consider the requirements of your project and choose the technology that best suits your needs.

Companies using Node.js: Netflix, Uber, PayPal, LinkedIn, Walmart, NASA, Trello, Medium, eBay, IBM.

Companies using React.js: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Airbnb, Netflix, Dropbox, Reddit, Tesla, Pinterest, Salesforce.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, and many other companies also use Node.js and React.js for their web development projects.

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